Sunday, September 6, 2009

Death of INC Leader

I read a post at Facebook that a mom don't want to celebrate her daughter's birthday today because of the death of their (cult) leader. Yeah, you read that right. A mom do not want to celebrate her daughter's birthday because of the death of their beloved leader. Poor child. 

Well this reason number 1047 as to why religion poisons everything. 


Anonymous said...

it'her discretion after all she / he isn't ur child if the child's mom is mourning or ur not then good for u , u can't just comment on that by simply reading between what u saw on facebook her church leader might mean nothing to u but it may be a lot for her probably he has change their lives and led them to walk on the right path and bring them close to God, I find it judgmental to post such comments...

Discreet Infidel said...

Its still irrational @ anonymous. And if you really know their 'religion'(cult) , then you would understand.

Anonymous said...


First of all, Discreet Infidel was not criticizing the mom for not celebrating her child's birthday but rather the church (INC) and its leaders for their undue influence on the members to the point that there will be no birthday celebrations not only within the week or month of their leader's death, but for the entire year.

Second, though you have a point that such comments are judgmental, this is Discreet Infidel's personal blog and so he can say whatever he wants here. From the blog's name itself - Discreet Infidel - you immediately get the idea that this is an anti-theist blog and that should give a fair warning to those who are very conservative and closed-minded about their religions should they proceed to read the posts.

Discreet Infidel said...

@Innerminds. hahaha.

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